
Ischia is an international tourist destination, offering crystal clear waters, unspoiled landscapes, cultural sites and many other surprises. The island, of volcanic origin, hides in its underground a high concentration of thermal springs and a large variety of waters that make Ischia the “capital of European spa.” More than 300 spas allow for a stay that includes the regeneration of mind and body.
Among the many beaches, especially worth mentioning are the beaches of Maronti, Citara, and Lacco Ameno, along with the the picturesque Bays of Sorgeto and Cafiero, and Bagnitiello.
Beyond the natural charm, the villages reveal the many faces of Ischia and its natural and artistic treasures.


With a precipitous, jagged coast, and encircled by the famous faraglioni (sea stacks), enormous and uniquely-shaped boulders, and by numerous caves that tell of evocative plays of light.
The most famous of these caves is the Grotta Azzurra (Blue Grotto), closely connected to the history of tourism in Capri. The island continues to be both a legend and a favorite destination for travelers, intellectuals and the international jet-set – “performing” at any given time in the legendary piazzetta, the real-time theatre of the island’s ‘Dolce Vita’.
Capri is a gem radiating a brilliant history through all its different facets.
Its innumerable points of interest allure visitors with their tales of an enchanted past. Its discovery by the ancient Romans is hinted at by countless archaeological finds – e.g. Villa Jovis, whose construction was commissioned by the Emperor Tiberius.
The Certosa (Basilica) di San Giacomo and the Augustus Garden
Beyond the cultural attractions and sea and nature in all their charm, Capri also offers good shopping: tasteful boutiques and artisans’ studios selling “Made in Italy” items and typical products alternate along the characteristic sidestreets and alleyways.
Moreover, the exuberantly-flavored local food is tied to the island’s maritime and peasant traditions.

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Amalfi Coast

The Amalfi Coast is one of the 55 Italian sites included by UNESCO, it appears as a balcony suspended between the cobalt blue sea and the slopes of the Lattari mountains, in a succession of valleys and promontories between coves, beaches and terraces planted with citrus fruits, vines and olive trees. Among the most famous places we find:
Positano, typical of its small courses, rich shops, where you can buy local handicraft products and the many “stairways” that reach the beach from the top of the town.
Amalfi, a picturesque plot of alleys and stairs, overlooking a sea of ​​spectacular colors, is the landscape that enchants. The town that gives its name to the entire coast dominated by the majestic Cathedral dedicated to Saint Andrew, offers interesting evidence of its glorious past as a Maritime Republic.
Ravello, the latter, located at 350 meters above sea level, is one of the charms of the coast for the elegance of its villas: the gardens and belvedere of Villa Rufolo and Villa Cimbrone open onto breathtaking views.

Sorrento Peninsula

The Sorrento Peninsula is a strip of land that extends into the Tyrrhenian Sea, the side that goes to the Gulf of Naples to the north is known as the “Sorrento Coast”, while the side that overlooks the Gulf of Salerno to the south, it is known as the “Amalfi Coast”. The Sorrento Peninsula is famous all over the world for its breathtaking landscapes, the crystalline sea a luxuriant nature, the mild climate and its villages. Finally, it should be remembered that the Sorrento Peninsula is a land that offers local quality gastronomic products , such as the oil of the highest quality Sorrento lemons with the unmistakable aroma with which the famous limoncello is made, the dairy products and many other local specialties.


The city of Naples deserves a separate chapter as it is rich in art, history and culture which hides and preserves in every corner of its squares, streets and buildings In the city you can visit two of the most important Italian museums: the National Archaeological Museum and the Capodimonte Museum. Walking Through historic center, from Via Duomo, passing through the Church of San Lorenzo and the famous the lane of San Gregorio Armeno (known for handmade shepherds) you can reach Spaccanapoli, right to San Domenico Maggiore to the chapel of San Severo which houses the veiled Christ.


Famous for its wonderful landscapes, its luxuriant nature and the suggestive beauty. The most famous volcano in the world is an attraction for thousands of tourists during the year The Vesuvian territory, rich of historical and naturalistic beauties, boast of a production of agricultural for variety and originality of flavors. In 1995 was inaugurated the Vesuvius National Park, where you can admire protected species of flora and fauna. It can be reached easily and in a short time, by car or by shuttle bus. Through a panoramic road, you reach an altitude of 1000 mt, from where you continue by foot (along a path for about 30 minutes) to the crater. You can choice for a visit with authorized guides which will provide you with information on the history of the crater, you will then have some time free to enjoy the breathtaking view of the entire Gulf of Naples.

Archaeological Itineraries

Not only Pompeii, the Vesuvian and Neapolitan area is plenty of numerous sites historical-artistic of immense beauty and urban centers full of charm. Moving north we find an archaeological complex of enormous importance. In the city of Torre Annunziata, which is also easily accessible both by car and by train you can reach the Oplonti excavations where the remains of the ancient Roman villa of Poppea is located, a grandiose residential construction from the mid-1st century BC. Another archaeological itinerary, not far away, is the city of Herculaneum archaeological of ​​considerable interest equal to Pompeii. Many of the housing structures of the excavations of Herculaneum are in good conservative condition and inside of them it’s be possible to admire wall paintings and mosaics by extreme and refined beauty.


The historical remains of Pompeii are so important and fascinating that the city since 1997 became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. There are many wonderful testimonies of the Roman era that can be admired within the archaeological excavations. Pompeii is a place that every year hosts millions of visitors from all over the world. Not only art and history, but also religion. The Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary, erected in 1876, which houses the seventeenth-century canvas of the school of Luca Giordano, depicting the Madonna of Pompeii, every year it is a destination for pilgrimages and visits by numerous devotees and faithful who come to honor the Madonna.


Un paesaggio di selvaggia bellezza scolpito dal vento, dal mare e dall’impronta geniale dell’uomo, questa è l’isola di Capri. 
L’isola presenta una costa ripida e molto frastagliata, coronata dai famosi faraglioni, grandi e originali scogli rocciosi, e da innumerevoli grotte con suggestivi giochi di luce. 
Tra queste la più famosa è la celebra grotta azzurra, legata indissolubilmente alla storia turistica di Capri, un mito che resiste nel tempo e che continua ad essere meta prediletta di viaggiatori, intellettuali e personaggi internazionale che si incontrano, a tutte le ore, nella mitica piazzetta, teatro della dolce
vita isolana. Un gioiello di storia  il cui passaggio è testimoniato da numerosi reperti archeologici come i resti di Villa Jovis fatta costruire dall’imperatore Tiberio.
Da non perdere una visita alla Certosa di San Giacomo e ai Giardini di Augusto.
Ad Anacapri la caratteristica Casa Rossa, la famosa Vila di San Michele e La Chiesa di San Michele. Ai tanti richiami culturali, al fascino del mare e della natura, unisce quello dello shopping. Eleganti boutique e botteghe artigianali si mescolano fra loro, lungo i caratteristici vicoli, per offrire articoli del made in Italy e prodotti tipici.
Ricca e gustosa anche la gastronomia locale, legata alle tradizioni marinare e contadine dell’isola.

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Costiera Amalfitana

La Costiera amalfitana è uno dei 55 siti italiani inseriti dall’UNESCO, appare come un balcone sospeso tra il mare blu cobalto e le pendici dei monti Lattari, in un rincorrersi di vallate e promontori tra calette, spiagge e terrazze coltivate ad agrumi, viti e ulivi. Tra i luoghi più famosi troviamo:
Positano, tipici i suoi piccoli corsi ricchi botteghe, dove poter acquistare prodotti dell’artigianato locale e le tantissime “scalinate” che dall’alto del paese giungono in basso, alla spiaggia.
Amalfi, una pittoresca trama di vicoli e scale, affacciata su un mare dai colori spettacolari, è il paesaggio che incanta. La cittadina che dà il nome all’intera costiera dominata dal maestoso Duomo dedicato a Sant’Andrea, offre interessanti testimonianze del suo glorioso passato di Repubblica Marinara.
Ravello, quest’ultimo, adagiato a 350 metri di quota, è uno degli incanti della costiera per l’eleganza delle sue ville: i giardini e i belvedere di villa Rufolo e villa Cimbrone si aprono su panorami mozzafiato.

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